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Christmas Charity Conference

Thursday 8th December 2022

A one-day entertaining Christmas-themed conference, with some serious takeaway points.

Come along and get into the festive spirit with like-minded others, for some emotional skills training in preparation for Christmas and beyond. Small interactive group work focussed on simplified thought-provoking neuroscience , with practical applications.

Prof Steve - Christmas Conference

This years Christmas Conference themes will be…

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The secret of the snowman revealed

The mind is not constructed to live in the moment. This session is about learning how to live in the moment and acquire the skill of managing any interference from the mind.

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Applying to be an elf will mean a tough interview

This session will look at what it takes to be successful in life, by exploring the elf’s interview procedure. We will explore the neuroscience of how the mind operates when challenges are taken on. Practical takeaway points will be developed.

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Rudolph the reindeer: Things are not all they seem to be

As we explore the story of Rudolph, it reveals more about us than it does Rudolph. This session brings into focus the oddity of how and why the mind can lead us down strange pathways and how to compensate for this.

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The Christmas pantomime that never stops

This session investigates the underpinning reason the Christmas pantomime continues to survive and be enjoyed. We look at the psychology behind the themes, and how we can inadvertently live in our own pantomime.

Tickets available soon 

What Others Say…

“Please could you also pass on my thanks to all the mentors running the sessions that I attended today.  They were all very professionally run with very interesting content and I am now reflecting on the learnings that I took from each of them and, in particular, my unconscious beliefs and the impact these have and how I can reprogram these..”

“It seemed that lots of thought and effort had been put into making the two days a great experience and maximising our opportunities to learn. My only regret is that I did not attend last year.”