Pragmatic Randomised Control Trial
The Chimp Model is an incredibly powerful mind management Model that can help you become a happy, confident, healthier and more successful person.
The best-selling book by Professor Steve Peters, has previously been used by people in all walks of life, including public services, the education sector, health and wellbeing, the corporate sector and the world of sport. By helping you to recognise how your mind is working, The Model provides an aid to understanding where actions and emotions may stem from, whilst suggesting practical strategies to help manage behaviours and promote positive choices.
We have significant anecdotal evidence however our vision is to establish an evidence base for The Chimp Model. Our ambition is to move into the area of mainstream psychological care, as a recognised therapy. Therefore, in conjunction with our NHS partners, we have undertaken a Pragmatic Randomised Control Trial (RCT) which was led by Principle Investigator: Professor Michael Barkham, at The University of Sheffield and Dr Jaime Delgadillo, Director of Psychological Research Therapies, University of Sheffield & Grounded Research Team Rotherham Doncaster South Humberside NHS Trust, RDaSH. It is the first trial of its kind for The Chimp Model.
The intervention was delivered to our cohort, which was 200 NHS adult community integrated nurses, across Rotherham, Doncaster and the South Humberside NHS Trust. The trial commenced 3rd March 2020 to the 9th July 2020. Academic publications will be prepared and sent for peer review, with an anticipated publication date of autumn 2021. All findings will be on Open Access.
Dr Nav Ahluwalia, Executive Medical Director and Director of Research
“This is really exciting research – a first for the Chimp Team and for RDaSH and we can’t wait to see what the results are. We want to thank our staff for volunteering to take part and hope the results will also help other staff keep fit and well.”
The psychoeducational intervention: Skills for Life
An 8-week, group-based, intervention, based on The Chimp Model; of 8 x workshops taking place once a week, adopted by the NIHR as a portfolio trial. The study period was 18 months (1-year active study period, plus 6 months analyses and dissemination).
Primary outcome:
Occupational burnout, measured by the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI)
If the intervention is found to be effective it offers significant potential for larger studies. The primary outcome which will be reported is whether The Chimp Model has had any effect on occupational burnout as measured by the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI). Although The Chimp Model is not targeted towards preventing occupational burnout, this outcome measure was chosen as the most appropriate, on advice from our academic partners, due to its relatively strong evidence base. Other secondary outcome measures which will be assessed and reported are whether the intervention has had an impact on:
1) subjective well-being
2) improvement in personal goal attainment
3) sickness absence.
This study, regardless of the results, will help us to better understand how the Mind Management: Skills for Life Programme impacted on the reported outcome measures for NHS community nurses in the midst of a global pandemic. This is the first study of its kind and will provide the basis for further academic work, collaboration and larger grant applications.
Academic publication(s) have been prepared and peer reviewed. We are awaiting confirmation of a publication date and we are hopeful this will be late autumn 2021. All academic findings will be available on Open Access.
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