0114 220 3716 | 0788 5991557 enquiries@chimpmanagement.com

Conferences & Events

Psychological Retreats

Join us for a two-day, small-group discussion-led event set in the Coach House, located in the heart of the beautiful Peak District.

This event provides a meaningful opportunity to connect with others, share insights, and engage in thoughtful conversations in a relaxed and welcoming setting.

7th Annual Conference:

Secret Workings of the Mind

This year we’ll be exploring how to thrive in challenging times, enhance the way we connect with others, and reach new heights in personal and professional performance. You’ll gain insights from our Mentors and hear directly from Professor Steve Peters, who will both open and close the conference with his engaging and thought-provoking keynotes.

Want to know more about how our Chimp Management events can help you?

Regular Updates

Ticket release dates

Special Guests


Book Chimp Management at your event

If you would like one of our mentors to attend your event please enquire now.