Chimp Management has significant anecdotal evidence however, our vision is to establish an evidence base for The Chimp Model. Our ambition is to move into the area of mainstream psychological care, as a recognised therapy. Therefore, in conjunction with our NHS partners, we have undertaken a Pragmatic Randomised Control Trial (RCT) which was led by Principle investigator: Professor Michael Barkham, at The University of Sheffield and Dr Jamie Delgadillo, Director of Psychological Research Therapies, University of Sheffield & Grounded Research Team Rotherham Doncaster and South Humberside NHS Trust, RdaSH. It is the first trial of its kind for the Chimp Model.
“This is really exciting research – a first for the Chimp Team and for RDaSH and we can’t wait to see what the results are. We want to thank our staff for volunteering to take part and hope the results will also help other staff keep fit and well.”
Dr Nav Ahluwalia, Executive Medical Director and Director of Research

Pictured (from left to right): Dean Coomer, Dr Nav Ahluwalia, Professor Steve Peters, Victoria Laker, Kimberley Blakey, Louis Palmer – the research team involved in the randomised control trial.
Current Research

Pragmatic Randomised Control Trial (RCT) – March 2020
The trial is a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) portfolio adopted study. It is a pragmatic, stepped wedge open-label, randomised controlled trial which involved delivering The Chimp Model intervention to nearly 200 NHS adult community integrated nurses, recruited from within the Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Trust.
The trial’s primary objectives were to evaluate if a group based psychological intervention reduces occupational burnout levels; with secondary objectives to asses improvements in subjective wellbeing, goal attainment and reductions in sickness absence.

The Feasibility Study – October 2019
(Adult Community of Teachers)
Chimp Management enrolled the support of 200 teachers who volunteered their time to be part of our feasibility study ahead of the Randomised Control Trial (RCT). They were based across the 67 schools from across North Yorkshire, the Midlands and the Cambridge area who experienced our eight-workshop programme. The study set out to assess how The Chimp Model could improve psychological wellbeing and reduce occupational burnout within teaching staff, assess improvements in subjective wellbeing and look at reduction in staff sickness. Initial results from the study indicated the programme had positive impacts on participants.
Research in Schools

Me and My Chimp – 3rd March – 9th June 2020
Charitable Chimp In Schools
Using the Chimp Model to support Primary Schools through Covid
In March 2020 Chimp Management supported over 1600 primary school pupils across 23 schools to manage their wellbeing, anxiety and stress levels during the pandemic. Pupils were introduced to the Chimp Model via a selection of interactive workshops from our Me and My Chimp programme.

Feasibility Study for ‘At Risk’ Young People – 2019
Charitable Chimp In Schools
Supporting Secondary Students at risk of fixed period exclusion
Working with Doncaster Council and RDaSH Grounded Research Team, Chimp Management undertook a feasibility study to gauge the impact of using The Model to support pupils across year’s 7,8,9 at Risk of Fixed Period Exclusion (FPE). The aim of the intervention was to develop and deliver workshops in an attempt to improve self-awareness and behaviour.